
amazing china colorful jingchu|yangxin network lake wetland reserve: home to 40,000 wild "guests" | 极目新闻-凯发娱发com

极目新闻 2022-11-30 13:52:22 阅读量:


yangxin network lake wetland reserve: home to 40,000 wild "guests"

成群的灰雁在觅食  flocks of gray lag geese foraging

琵琶鹭在水边栖息  spoonbills roost near the water

成群的候鸟在滩涂边栖息  flocks of migratory birds roost in the shallows

小天鹅和灰雁水中觅食 flocks of gray lag geese and cygnets foraging in the water

候鸟在水边栖息  migratory birds perch near the shallows

候鸟结队在滩涂边栖息  flocks of migratory birds roost in the shallows

网湖湿地保护区  network lake wetland reserve

楚天都市报极目新闻记者 梁传松 

通讯员 向能来 易相志

reporter: liang chuansong, jimu news

correspondents: xiang nengli, yi xiangzhi

翻译:何梦圆 陶然 卫拉 (湖北大学)

translators: he mengyuan, tao ran, lisa m.k (hubei university)


on november 14, more than 100 kilometers away from wuhan, yangxin network lake is bathed in the morning rays of the sun. as the melodious chirping of the birds break the silence, the calm lake slowly becomes a scene of joy . over 40,000 “guests” traveled more than 4000 kilometers from siberia all the way to huangshi city. affected by the drought of poyang lake, this year, there will be more migratory birds in yangxin network lake wetland than previous years coming here to overwinter and breed.


people busy "hosting" birds


people who have visited hubei network lake wetland are filled with awe for its blue water, sky-high ancient trees and beautiful scenery, which is also a unique natural oxygen bar. located in the east-central part of yangxin county, huangshi city, the lake is one of the important transit points along the global bird migration route from east asia to australia. the hubei network lake wetland of international importance, located on the south bank of the middle and lower reaches of the yangtze river, consists of shallow lakes such as network lake, zhupo lake, jiajie lake, wujiashai lake, xiayang lake, yangsai lake, dapo lake, rong lake, rhinoceros lake, saiqiao lake, permanent rivers such as fuhe river and flooded swamp wetlands and their lake shore mountains, covering a total area of 20,495 hectares, of which 12,986.36 hectares are wetlands. on january 8, 2018, it was listed as wetlands of international importance by the secretariat of the international convention.


53-year-old liu hailin, one of the first employees when the reserve was established, is the deputy director of the wuzhaozui protection station of the huangshi city network lake wetland nature reserve administration. “there are rangers who inspect and monitor the reserve every day.” liu said, adding that there is a nature conservation station with three sub-stations and two protection sites, with a total of 50 rangers.


the rangers daily routine at wuzhuazui sub-station begins with them leaving for their patrol tour right after breakfast. starting from the waters of longmen village to more than 10 points covering over 100,000 mu of water, including network lake wharf, qiaodong lake, wanggang lake, the south bank of the fuhe river, xiawan, and jiumingdu. if a bird is injured, they bring it back for rescue right away. it is usually past five oclock in the afternoon when the rangers return from their round of inspection.


“for lunch, we usually bring our own food.” since cars are prohibited in most of the wetland areas, the team patrols the area on motorcycles, which would take two days if on foot, liu told reporters with a smile.


liu often encounters injured birds on his patrol, most of whose injuries used to be inflicted by poachers, but with a greater awareness of conservation, injured birds are now mostly a result of attacks from large birds of prey, such as carnivorous falcons.


“the villagers are now more aware of the importance of protecting the birds. when they see poachers, they stop them or call the police. thats why no one dares to come to the lake to poach in recent years.” shen xianlang, a villager in longmen village, yangxin taogang town, said that many villagers used to make a living by fishing since their village is right next to the lake. however, after the natural reserve was established, the villagers stopped fishing and became "guardians of birds" instead.


a 21-year-old institution


humans live by water, and civilization develops with water. human life is closely related to wetlands. renowned as the "kidney of the earth" and the "cradle of life", wetlands, forests and oceans are the three major global ecosystems that jointly maintain the balance of the earth.


“people outside the industry consider our work mysterious.” says zheng hesong, the deputy director of huangshi city network lake wetland nature reserve administration. located between poyang lake and dongting lake, the network lake wetland plays an important role in the wetland cluster in the middle reaches of the yangtze river. before 1949, it was directly connected to the yangtze river. during the rainy season, it would overflow the middle and lower reaches of the yangxinfu river, stretching over 400 square kilometers. after the water level retreated, the lakes were scattered, and the rivers and ports were crisscrossed like a net, hence named network lake. in the 1960s and 1970s, the industrious yangxin locals turned the lake into a granary with their bare hands during the campaign on "revitalizing water conservancy and addressing water-related problems". today, the network lake is a place with a unique topography, typical ecosystem, rich biodiversity and profound cultural heritage. it not only provides an ideal resting, wintering and breeding ground for the migratory birds migrating from east asia to australia, but is also a suitable habitat and breeding place for the transitional wildlife moving from north to south.


the wetlands are a beautiful place where one can observe egrets skimming over the lovely reeds with grace while geese throng and flowers bloom, and yet it remains unknown to most people. in 2001, network lake nature reserve was established. later, the building of the provincial nature reserve in 2006 further brought benefits to the wetlands and wildlife while also offering people a new perspective of the beauty and importance of the lake.


the jimu news reporter was shown to a science showroom and an animal shelter at the wuzhuazui protection station. in the science showroom, dead little swans and spoonbills were made into specimens to give visitors a close-up of the birds. in the animal shelter, a couple of geese were heard quacking inside the fences. and thereupon they came up to and encircled the reporters with zeal. “the gray goose has a reddish bill while the domestic goose has a black one,” says shi kai, the deputy director of the protection station of network lake nature reserve administration. he added that the domestic ones were kept to guard the house, however two of these geese became too heavy to fly because they ate too much and gained weight after they were rescued.


unlike the gray geese, two other gray birds also at the same protection station seemed slightly aloof. shi kai said that the two birds are under first-class national protection, known as "demoiselle cranes", and they will return to nature when they recover from their injuries.


“we have saved several young swans this year and released them the other day.” shi kai told the reporter. last month, they had just released several saved swans to nature when the first group of migratory birds arrived at network lake. satellite transmitters were attached to the feet of these swans prior to the release and data indicated that these rescued little swans were still in yangxin county at the moment. the jimu news reporter learned from shi kais cellphone that the swans, numbered hqp2555, were seeking food at dushan lake around the city of yangxin county in the afternoon of november 7.


“we also need to monitor migratory birds in terms of their safety and variety.” says yang honglin, the director of nature protection station of network lake wetlands nature protection administration. safety monitoring entails excrement collection and anal and throat swabs. a total of 3300 specimens are required to be submitted to their competent authorities for tests to see if the migratory birds carry any viruses. and another form of monitoring is to monitor the species and population of birds.


a test from nature


“by october 31, there were more than 30 species and 40,000 migratory birds visiting the network lake wetlands.” zheng hesong said. he also added that december is the month witnessing the most migratory birds. in 2019, around 60,000 migratory birds rested, wintered and bred here, and over 80,000 in 2020. but this year, due to the drought that triggered a drop in the water level of poyang lake, as of october, over 40,000 migratory birds flew to the lake ahead of time, 10,000 more than last year.


“the lake has become an ideal place for migratory birds to forage for food.” zheng hesong said. hence, priority has been given to ensuring the birds safe wintering and breeding.


“despite the massive pressure we experienced this year, we have developed a response plan.” zheng hesong told the reporter. they have so far seen 38 species of migratory birds paying a visit to the reserve with sarcelles and falcated ducks accounting for the largest portion. besides, this year is the first time to find white-naped cranes in the network lake wetland reserve. he added that the white-naped cranes had been included in the iucn red list of threatened species earlier in 2012 and they are also second-class protected animals in china. through observation, they found there were ten white-naped cranes coming here to forage.


the number of migratory birds in network lake wetland reserve this year are forecast to be above that of past years due to the drought. two key constructions in yangxin county, however, are currently underway, one is the construction of fuhe river channels and the other is the maintenance of network lake pumping station. the construction has impeded the drainage, thus leading to a higher water level in network lake and a decline in tidal flats.


“generally speaking, the migratory birds seek food and rest on the tidal flat.” zheng hesong said. at this point, the administration is working on plans to divert water as a way of lowering the water level so that there are adequate tidal flats for migratory birds to winter and breed before an overwhelming number of migratory birds arrive here.


the network lake is under more pressure due to the dwindling area of poyang lake wetland caused by droughts. fortunately, the administration has prepared enough food, land and funds to cater to this problem.


“this year we have requested over six million yuan in subsidy for surrounding farmers, and more than 6.7 hectares of paddy have been left unharvested as food for the migratory birds.” zheng hesong said. they have communicated with subsidized farmers in the villages several times via door-to-door visits, stressing that they should leave some of their paddies unharvested. meanwhile, they asked for some farmers to leave behind small fish when fishing, so that the migratory birds have enough food to see the winter out.


passion for bird protection


zheng told the reporters that prior they had never considered providing food to the birds because excessive interference would change their natural habits. as human activities have changed the terrestrial condition, animal migration modes are also changing slowly which may have a potential impact on the overall health of humans and also on the migratory species themselves.  


the main reason behind many animal migrations, is to avoid harsh environments in winter or to seek more food with seasonal variation. besides, migration can help animals escape from pathogens that gather in their habitats (such as parasites, germs, viruses, etc.) and eliminate infected animals in the population naturally.


“it may thus lead to serious consequences if animals were to give up their habit of migration and form a local animal group here because food is already provided by humans.” this is because, according to zheng hesong, on the one hand, the returned migrant birds are put at a competitive disadvantage as the breeding spaces and resources have already been taken up by resident birds; on the other hand, migrant birds are more likely to be infected by the pathogenic organism carried by resident birds. therefore, they believe it is more important to respect the law of nature. however, due to the special circumstance this year, human intervention is required to mitigate the crisis of food shortage for the mass migration of birds. without enough food, migrant birds may forage out of the reserve and suffer unexpected harm.


zheng said, “in the past, we didnt allocate funds to prepare food for migratory birds, but this year we must take the food shortage into consideration, so as to appropriate enough funds for supplying food. this way, the birds can successfully get through winter.” polyphagous birds such as cygnus columbianus, anas crecca, and anas falcata feed on corn, paddy, fish and shrimp. one cygnus columbianus eats about 1.5 kilograms of food per day, and there are more than 100,000 migratory birds, which consume a stunning amount of food a day. once there is a shortage in the food chain, it is bound to break the balance of species.


reporters were informed that the lakes and ponds in the area were gravely eutrophicated for a long time due to surrounding fertilizer and bait aquaculture as well as the improper discharging of production and domestic wastewater. since 2017, all of the contracted farming agreements were terminated and fertilizer and bait aquaculture were shut down in the area and its 13 surrounding major lakes and core areas and 624 fishponds in the buffer zone. ecological recuperation was carried out in 5 core lakes and ecological aquaculture was implemented in other lakes and ponds. at the same time, the achievements of no use of fertilizer and recovery have been consolidated, through establishing a series of systems such as the river and lake chief system, patrol system and joint law enforcement system, measures were effectively taken such as reducing water level to promote grass, purifying water with fish, diverting water ecologically, connecting drainage system, demolishing production facilities and cleaning the lake areas. statistics reveal that 7358.18 hectares of lake and 1334.93 hectares of fishponds are free from fertilizers and in their recovery period, 2975.33 hectares of ponds in the experimental area are cultivated ecologically, 3 production docks and 11 fish houses have been demolished. by doing so, the water environment of the network lake has since greatly improved.


from 2016, by implementing the project of converting cultivated land into wetlands, we have been continuously converting embankment into lake, and fishing area into wetland, and rehabilitated more than 500 hectares of natural lake shoreline. 5500-hectare ecological wetland have been restored through projects such as phosphorus reduction and ecological remediation of network lake, comprehensive water condition regulation in the south lake and xiasi lake and lingjiaotang area, compensation of ecological benefits of wetlands, and protection and restoration of wetlands.and restoration of natural vegetation. 58.27 hectares of natural vegetation have been rehabilitated through projects such as vegetation restoration in quarry mining area and tailing sand reservoirs governance. according to statistics, a total of 13 restoration projects have been implemented, among which 2 projects saw input of more than 50 million yuan, with a total investment of over 200 million yuan.


“its time for a bird watching tour. the network lake is the paradise for birds once entering autumn and winter. a better network lake is just around the corner.” zheng said.
