
amazing china colorful jingchu:golden chrysanthemums scent jiangling and bulge the purses of local farmers | 极目新闻-凯发娱发com

极目新闻 2022-12-07 15:56:06 阅读量:

千里江陵金菊飘香 成为农民增收致富的“黄金菊”
golden chrysanthemums scent jiangling and bulge the purses of local farmers

极目新闻记者 黄志刚 

通讯员 黄洋 樊孝银

翻译:杨勇 尚绮 卫拉 (湖北大学)

jimu news reporter: huang zhigang

correspondents: huang yang, fan xiaoyin

translators: yang yong, shang qi, lisa m. k (hubei university)


after the start of winter, the scent of chrysanthemums begins to permeate through the air in jingling county, jingzhou city which boasts hundreds of acres of chrysanthemums. it is also the perfect time to harvest chrysanthemum. for the past days, the local chrysanthemum cooperatives have been organizing farmers to pick up chrysanthemums and the vast golden fields are brimming with a bountiful harvest.


jiangling chrysanthemum is also named golden chrysanthemum or golden fragrant chrysanthemum. chrysanthemums were first planted in qixin village, haoxue town of jiangling county in 1993. then in 1997, the local chrysanthemum growers developed a special variety, named “jiangling golden chrysanthemum” after they selected and improved certain seeds from a variety of wild edible chrysanthemums. “jiangling golden chrysanthemum” later won the title of the “certification trademark of geographical indication” and played a leading role in the revitalization of the rural industries.


now the small chrysanthemum has become a trademark for jiangling's agricultural and sideline products, a “cash cow” for local growers. taking advantage of the regional public brand “qianli jiangling”[1], “jiangling golden chrysanthemum” has achieved unimpeded sales both online and offline, wafting its scent across the country.

([1]“qianli jiangling”, literally “thousand mile jiangling”,is alluded to the poem “the river journey from white king city to jiangling” written by li bai, a great poet in the tang dynasty(618-907) who was dubbed the “poet-immortal”.)

江陵金菊采收“大会战” the great harvest of “jiangling golden chrysanthemum”


chrysanthemums are blooming and growers are busy harvesting


“hurry up, everybody, let's get it done before it rains.” on november 20, the jimu news reporter visited lianghuyuan village, xionghe town of jiangling county. the stretching golden fields in the chrysanthemum base shone under the warm winter sun with the refreshing pleasant scent permeating the air. more than 20 chrysanthemum growers were busy picking the flowers, and the director of the cooperative was encouraging them to speed up their harvest since the weather was still fine.


“the weather forecast says that it will rain tomorrow, so we must hurry up picking and get them stored today,” said yan wei, the party branch secretary of lianghuyuan village. he introduced that the planting areas of jiangling golden chrysanthemum doubled this year, amounting to 120 mu (about 19.76 acres) in the village. the current growth promises a bumper harvest of chrysanthemums this year.


according to yan wei, lianghuyuan village did not have a smooth passage towards revitalization. learning from their failures and the successful practices of other villages, the village committee decided to develop the industry of chrysanthemum. just as yan said,“we finally decided to build jiangling golden chrysanthemum base last year as the chrysanthemum industry yields good economic returns and brings momentum to the development of other industries.”


at present, a rotation model of planting is adopted in the chrysanthemum base in lianghuyuan village with wheat and chrysanthemums planted alternatively. when wheat is harvested in late may or early june, farmers will proceed to plant chrysanthemums, and by mid-november, a harvest of chrysanthemums will be expected.


yan wei introduced that growers in the village began to pick chrysanthemums on november 15. in order to finish the picking within a week, the village committee encouraged surplus labor force in the village to participate in the picking and thus launched a “battle of chrysanthemum harvest”.


“on average, about 30-odd people picked flowers and about 1500 kilogram of chrysanthemums were picked every day.” yan said. at peak time, 70 to 80 people would be called to pick chrysanthemums, and nearly 5000 kilograms were collected and stored every day.

金菊丰收,菊农乐开怀 a bumper harvest of chrysanthemums delights the growers


the chrysanthemum bases in lianghuyuan village have become the source of raw materials for jiangling county, with stable chrysanthemum buyers every year. “last year, the purchasing price of chrysanthemum was 2.2 yuan for 500g. it has increased the collective income of our village by more than 140,000 rmb in total.” said yan. the chrysanthemum industry has showed strong power in driving the development of other industries. it offers jobs for the surplus rural workers to work at their home and increases their incomes.


yan said that if market prospect continued to be positive, lianghuyuan village might expand the scale of chrysanthemum planting next year. a chrysanthemum drying factory will be built for the deep processing of chrysanthemum to further increase the income of the villagers.


empowering the golden chrysanthemum industry to revive the rural economy


how powerful could a small chrysanthemum be?


jiangling county often promotes a product of geographic indication by highlighting its historic and cultural values as well as its market significance. this is what it has done with the introduction of jiangling golden chrysanthemum----finding its undeniable charm and value.


“drinking on mount longshan on the ninth day, chrysanthemums seemed to laugh at me chased away. drunken i looked wind blow the hat off, dancing the moon invited me to stay.” the poem written by li bai, a great poet in tang dynasty vividly depicts the scene when he drank wine with his friends on the double ninth festival on mount longshan where chrysanthemums were blooming everywhere.


mount longshan is located in dangtu, anhui province. it connects li bai, the poet-immortal to chrysanthemum. jiangling people wisely borrowed from lis poem the poetic chrysanthemum and endowed with it rich cultural connotations, thus a small chrysanthemum is more charming than ever.


jiangling county is located north of jingjiang river in the middle reach of yangtze river. it is in the central part of jianghan plain to the west of the four-lake basin. its advantageous geographical location coupled with its' unique weather featuring distinctive seasons and ample sunshine makes jiangling the perfect place for the planting of jiangling golden chrysanthemums.


jiangling golden chrysanthemums also boast great edible and medical value due to the favorable geographical and weather conditions. li kechu, the president of jianglings chrysanthemum society introduced that jiangling golden chrysanthemums was rich in mineral phosphorus and vitamin c, which has benefits for the liver and sight, maintain healthy skin, detoxify and reduce the risk of inflammation. “when making tea with jiangling golden chrysanthemums, you will enjoy a cup of tea which is golden clear with a lasting aroma and rich in minerals and micro nutrients.”


in 2015, the trademark office of the state administration for industry and commerce awarded jiangling golden chrysanthemum the “certification trademark of the geographical indication”. it is the first agricultural product of geographical indication in jiangling county.

江陵金菊 jiangling golden chrysanthemums


with this trademark, the chrysanthemum industry in jiangling county developed rapidly in the past three decades. li kechu introduced that the planting areas of golden chrysanthemums reached 18,000 mu, covering 60% of the villages last year.


“it is of primary importance to pursue economic benefits and brand effects to promote the incomes of the villagers.” li kechu said. he didn't support the idea to expand planting areas blindly as he thought that the blind expansion of planting areas at the expense of quality would only do more harm than good.


for this reason, the golden chrysanthemum cooperative where li kechu works focuses more on the intensive cultivation and further development of chrysanthemums. at present, the cooperatives bases cover 30 villages in 6 counties with 60 mu demonstration areas and 800 mu planting areas for the local chrysanthemum growers.


li's cooperative adopts a chain sales model that connects the company, the base and the growers. they purchase the chrysanthemums from the growers at a guaranteed price and deep process them and sell them to the whole-sale markets for teas and herbal medicines in wuhan, zhengzhou, hangzhou, guangzhou and other cities. some chrysanthemum products are exported to countries in southeast asia.


an online offline sales model facilitates jiangling products to go national


li kechu told the reporter that due to the impact of the drought this year, the output of chrysanthemums per mu was about 1000 kilograms, less than that of the previous year which reached 1500 kilograms. it is estimated that growers can achieve a gross income of more than 5000 yuan per mu by selling chrysanthemums at the price of 2.5 to 3 yuan per 500g this year.


“good quality ensures a good price.” li kechu said. the chrysanthemum association of jiangling estimates that the planting areas of chrysanthemums in the county this year are approximately 3000 mu, just about 17% of the planting areas at its peak times. but the intensive cultivation will bring more benefits.


at present, jiangling county has set up approximately 30 chrysanthemum processing factories or cooperatives, which will offer the rural surplus workers a chance to get directly employed in their hometown. with the help of the regional public brand “qianli jiangling”, jiangling golden chrysanthemum has been sold on various e-commerce platforms.

江陵金菊种植基地鸟瞰  a bird view of jiangling golden chrysanthemum bases


however, to li kechu, who has engaged in chrysanthemum industry for almost 30 years, their offline sales are more outstanding. according to sales data, the ratio of online sales to offline sales in the cooperative of li kechu stands at 1:4, and their offline dealership has been seen in major cities across the country. li adds, “we will expand our online sales and we hope that our chrysanthemums will ride the wave of our regional brand “qianli jiangling” to gain nationwide popularity.”


“qianli jiangling” is a regional public brand, aiming to promote ecological, high-end quality local products based on the favorable natural conditions and the countys competitive industries. now with the leading agricultural enterprises in jiangling county as the main body, the competitive agricultural products and industries are integrated and eight categories of agricultural products are selected for the national promotion.


up to now, twenty-five enterprises have been authorized to use “qiangli jiangling” regional public brand and 32 products in eight categories are selected, including rice, rapeseed oil, chrysanthemums, yellow peaches, shrimp, mushrooms, breaded fish sticks and lotus sprouts etc.


officials in jiangling county said that “qiangli jiangling” regional public brand had greatly spurred the initiative of agricultural manufacturing and processing enterprises to get engaged in the brand construction. a batch of jiangling specialties including jiangling golden chrysanthemum will take advantage of the brand, expanding their online and offline sales.

(本版图片由通讯员樊孝银提供 pictures are provided by correspondent fan xiaoyin)
